Digital Powder Measure

Available for Backorder
Available for Backorder.

Only available for the Revolution® and Evolution™ paired with a Mark 7® Autodrive™, the Mark 7® Electronic Powder Measure incorporates a precision metering drum that’s enclosed in a CNC machined upper housing. The drum is fully supported by a pair of sealed ball bearing braces, and is actuated by a high torque servo motor through an encased timing belt. The servo motor responds to commands from its microprocessor-based control console, and its movement is optimized to deliver consistent charges. The powder measure body is supported by a lower housing and slides in a low friction bronze bushing. Telescoping powder funnels for small and large rifle and pistol calibers are included with the Powder Measure.

Features include:

  • Proven drum and metering cylinder design
  • Electronic double charge protection
  • Optimized for high speed operation
  • Works smoothly with most flake and spherical powder types*
  • High capacity powder reservoir
  • Manual setup mode for quick charge adjustment

Under our testing conditions, the accuracy of the measure is +/- 0.1 grains @ 12.2 grains.  

*Extruded stick powder is not recommended.

Only available for the Revolution® and Evolution™ paired with a Mark 7® Autodrive™, the Mark 7® Electronic Powder Measure incorporates a precision metering drum that’s enclosed in a CNC machined upper housing. The drum is fully supported by a pair of sealed ball bearing braces, and is actuated by a high torque servo motor through an encased timing belt. The servo motor responds to commands from its microprocessor-based control console, and its movement is optimized to deliver consistent charges. The powder measure body is supported by a lower housing and slides in a low friction bronze bushing. Telescoping powder funnels for small and large rifle and pistol calibers are included with the Powder Measure.

Features include:

  • Proven drum and metering cylinder design
  • Electronic double charge protection
  • Optimized for high speed operation
  • Works smoothly with most flake and spherical powder types*
  • High capacity powder reservoir
  • Manual setup mode for quick charge adjustment

Under our testing conditions, the accuracy of the measure is +/- 0.1 grains @ 12.2 grains.  

*Extruded stick powder is not recommended.

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